Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Movie Quotes

A good portion of my life growing up revolved around movies whether it be with my brothers or friends. Being in my mid 30's means that I was raised on movies that came out in the 70's and 80's. Sure, I was a Star Wars fan, but other movies such as Jaws, Aliens, Lethal Weapon and Raiders of the Lost Ark are the epitome of great scripts chock full of quotables. Among the greats are the following:

10) I'm hungry....I'm gonna get somethin' to eat
9) Guess she don't like the cornbread either
8) It'd be a shame to blow it up
7) It didn't eat a car did it?
6) If only you spoke Hovitos
5) I thought they smelled bad.....ON the outside
4) It is an ancient Hindu text......quoted by an American
3) It's the ship that made the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs
2) I suddenly remembered my Charlemegne
1) A whaaaa?

Class of 1989

I went to high school in Agoura, California. I was part of the graduating class of 1989. Along the way, I was a pretty quiet, moody kid that loved sports and more than anything else loved listening to the rants and raves of my friends.

Those friends included Matt Botsford, Frank Daniels, Joe Archer, Steve Littman, Eric Lee, Anthony Granato, Denny Zimmermann and many others. I still talk regularly to all of the aforementioned. From time to time we all get together and go over our fond memories of the good old days.

So, in tribute to that great little gang, here is a listing of the all-time funniest incidents.

10--Eric Lee consumed approximately 1 wine cooler during lunch when he went "off campus". All of us returned from lunch to our fifth period photography class. Our teacher, Ken Neely, was an interesting guy and lets just say he wasn't very strict when it came to his class. That is as good a reason as any to explain why Eric Lee sat at his desk with his head down for 45 straight minutes and no one called attention to it.

Just about the time we were discussing what happened to him, we came upon his desk to notice that he was near death. Your favorite stoner and mine, Mike O'Brien, realizing that it smelled like alcohol, started messing with Eric.....which prompted to raise his weary head and utter the infamous phrase, "Mike, you're and asshole". This was followed a short time later by another epic phrase when Eric began to vomit ever so slightly. The memorable, "Oops, I spit up" was uttered and Eric quickly became a lightning rod for everything unholy. He gained God like status for a short time because he was so "cool" for drinking alcohol at lunch. To this day, not a get-together goes by without someone altering their voice and blurting out, "I spit up".

I will be posting items 9 through 1 in the coming days